Field Trips at KiDiMu

Field trips to KiDiMu provide schools, clubs, and organizations a cost-reduced chance to explore exhibits hands-on, making learning both educational and enjoyable!

  • $7 per person entry fee (typically $9)

    • * 1 free chaperone admission with every 5 paid student admissions. (Discount only applies if the group meets the minimum required attendance and ratio)

  • Group Size: Minimum ten students

  • Recommended Ages: Pre-K to 4th Grade

  • 2-hour field trips blocks

  • $50 Deposit required to book

Reservations are required and should be made at least two weeks in advance of the desired date. Field trips are scheduled year-round on a space-available basis. Please call early for the best selection.

All areas of the Museum are accessible. If you need special accommodations, please call (206) 855-4650.

Lunch & Snacks
Designated space for lunch and snacks is available, but limited. Please let us know if your group will need to use the lunch space. 

Questions? Email